OCTOBER 2022 Council Meeting Minutes

Nicholson Council Meeting Minutes

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

6:30 P.M. Community Center

Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.

Attending: Mayor Jan Webster -Council Members – Mike Barfield, Thomas Gary, Josh Burkhalter, City Attorney Jody Campbell, City Clerk- Irma Robles, Finance Director Marci Webster, Library Manager Rhonda O’Keeffe, and Public Works Director Doyle Samples.  For public assistance, refer to the attendance sheet. Not present: Council Member Lamar Watkins and Mainstreet News (emailed draft minutes to Angie on 10/4/22)

Pledge of Allegiance – All

Minutes: CouncilmanMike Barfield asked about the item “Selection of Bids for 2022 Roads” being on this meeting Agenda. Mayor Webster explained that this item was tabled at the last council meeting and it is listed in this agenda as an old business. Council member Mike Barfield made a motion to approve the September 12th, 2022, Council Meeting Minutes; Councilman Thomas Gary seconded. All were in favor. Minutes approved.

Financials:  CouncilmanThomas Gary motioned to approve September 2022 Financials; CouncilmanJosh Burkhalter seconded. All were in favor. Financials approved.


  • Conditional Use Permit Application from Charles Mathis to build and operate a plumbing and electrical supply business on Parcel 013 022 / 013 022F. Mayor Webster mentioned that she was honored by NES’s interest in conducting business in the City of Nicholson and she is always concerned about what the Nicholson residents think. She also mentioned the good thing about being a small town is the fact that both sides are heard. Applicant Mathis appreciates Mayor and Council taking the time to study this application. He also mentioned that his objective is to give access from Smith Overhead Bridge Rd and if he cannot do that, he will not be able to buy the property and complete the project. The applicant stated he contacted the County and was told that they will open the road again and the bridge will be fixed soon. The applicant understands there will be an increase in traffic but he doesn’t think it will be a lot of traffic.Mayor Webster allowed five minutes for opposition and Michael Williams manifested he is not against the building, is the access. He stated the business will bring traffic to the residential area. He asked what is the actual conditional permit for and Mayor Webster responded is for the warehouse/supply store business. Applicant Mathis added that not much traffic will impact the area. It will be a few vehicles only. CouncilmanMike Barfield stated that he is a pro-business person but Smith Overhead Bridge Rd has a number of existing residential and agriculture uses, and there are no other outlets; also added that it will be an increase in commercial and truck traffic which will create a significant burden on existing residents. Councilman Barfield also mentioned that Smith Overhead Bridge Rd does not support such use. Council member Mike Barfield made a motion to approve the Conditional Use with the following condition: Access shall be limited to US Highway 441 and no access will be allowed from Smith Overhead Bridge Rd. Councilman Thomas Gary seconded. All were in favor. Motion approved.
  • Proclamation of November 6, 2022, as “Retired Educators Day”. Councilman Thomas Gary made a motion to approve the Proclamation of November 6, 2022, as “Retired Educators Day”. Councilman Josh Burkhalter seconded; All were in favor. The motion was approved.
  • Proclamation of October as “National Recovery Month”. Councilman Mike Barfield made a motion to approve this proclamation, and Councilman Thomas Gary seconded. All were in favor. Motion was approved.
  • Appointment of two members of the Planning Commission: 1. Kyle Smith and 2. Scott Ethridge. Mayor Webster thanked Chairman John Ring for the time and effort in interviewing applicants and after this process, they have two selections. Council Member Thomas Gary asked if these applicants were still willing to take the job and Chairmen Ring responded they still are. Councilman Thomas Gary made a motion to approve the two appointees from the Planning Commission, Councilman Mike Barfield seconded, Councilman Josh opposed. Motion was approved.
  • Short Term Regulations Ordinance. Councilman Thomas Gary made a motion to approve the Short-Term Regulations Ordinance, Council member Mike Barfield seconded, all were in favor. Motion was approved.
  • SDS Memorandum of Agreement regarding developments off county roads. Council member Mike Barfield made a motion to adopt the Memorandum of Agreement regarding developments off county road, Councilman Josh Burkhalter seconded, all were in favor. Motion was approved.
  • Council member Mike Barfield made a motion to amend the agenda to include the Memorandum of Understanding Extraterritorial Assistance and the Housing and Booking Contract with Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, Councilman Thomas Gary seconded, all were in favor. Motion approved.
  • Memorandum of Understanding Extraterritorial Assistance. City Attorney Jody Campbell stated this is the second time the city needs to have an agreement with the Sheriff’s Department in place to incarcerate defendants. Obviously, fines are the best way to make sure properties are in compliance. Council member Thomas Gary asked if the city goes through this process the defendant needs to pay. City Attorney responded that yes, the defendant needs to prepay for the stay. However, the agreement allows Sheriff Mangum to contact Municipal Court to decide if they need to be taken to jail, the city will have to pay. Under certain circumstances, the city will have to understand this will come out of the city’s budget but the good news is that all of these offenses are misdemeanors so they are relatively short periods of incarceration time. Usually, incarceration is for ten to twenty days. Councilman Thomas Gary made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding Extraterritorial Assistance. Councilman Mike Barfield seconded. All were in favor. Motion was approved.


  • Selection of Bid for 2022 Roads. MayorWebster mentioned that the city had received two bids from Garrette and ASA Paving companies. Council member Josh Burkhalter asked where is the gravel section on Lakeview Dr listed on Garrett Paving Bid. Public Works Director Doyle Samples responded that the gravel section on Lakeview Dr is at the end of the road, up to the property line, before getting to the gate at the end of Lakeview Dr. Councilman Josh Burkhalter made a motion to approve ASA Paving Bid. Councilman Thomas Gary seconded. Council member Mike Barfield opposed. Motion was approved.


Library’s first Krafty Kids drop-in program went well in September. Nicholson Library had 40 participants. The craft was rock painting.

Rhonda O. had Sherri assist PRLS at Art in the Park. Nicholson Library handed out our October Schedule.

This month:

Closed Monday, Oct 10 all day for regional staff training. All NIC library staff will attend.

Tuesday, October 11 at 10:30 AM The Divine Healing Rescue Ranch will be here with some animals to discuss their mission and talk about the care for the animals.

Tuesday, Oct 18, 6-8 The Library is back to hosting our Boo Fest. The firefighters will attend and talk about safety, we will have crafts and games and then a magic show.

Things are going well. Receiving quite a few calls on passports.  I passed the State Departments Passport Inspection.

For the city’s movie in the park. The library Manager had the staff place the flyer on the library’s Facebook page (lots of shares), we put an ad on our tv and we have been posting in our news release.


  • Mayor Webster invited all to the spooky movie night event on Saturday, October 22nd at 6:30 pm. The city will be playing the old version of the Hocus Pocus movie. There will be snacks and drinks at the concession stand for sale.
  • The full SDS package has been transmitted to DCA.  We will hopefully get their blessing and be certified by 2030.
  • Ribbon cutting for Jackson Co. Animal Shelter on Oct 5th, 2022
  • GMA District 5 meeting location has changed to a different restaurant.
  • Irma and Marci are attending a meeting with GMEBS Health and Life Insurance to check on more options for employees’ health and life insurance rates.
  • New Code Enforcement officer will start on October 4th, 2022. His name is Romane.
  • Mayor Webster reminded the city is advertising the Budget Hearings and, in the meantime, please direct any questions or concerns to Finance Webster Marci Webster and she will be answering at the hearings to all the city council and public, not individually. Mayor Webster also asked Council to be patient with Finance Director Webster since this is her first municipal budget. Next year’s budget will be much better since she is taking classes and learning more.

CITIZENS REQUESTING TO SPEAK – Kareen M.asked what time is the Spooky movie night event and Mayor Webster hand out a flyer to him and responded the event is at 6:30 pm on Saturday, October 22, 2022.-

Adjournment: CouncilmanJosh Burkhalter motioned to adjourn the meeting; Councilman Thomas Gary seconded. All were in favor; motion approvedmeeting adjourned at 7:03 PM.

  • Next Work Session– October 27th, 2022, 6:30 pm
  • Next City Council Meeting – November 7th, 2022, 6:30 pm

_______________________________________________________________________________Approved by City Clerk for Website.-

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