April 1st, 2024 Council Meeting MINUTES

Monday, April 1st, 2024

6:30 P.M. Community Center

Attending: Mayor Steve T. Nichols, Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary, Council Members Lamar Watkins, Mike Barfield, Josh Burkhalter, Library Manager Rhonda O., and City Clerk Irma Robles. For public assistance, refer to the attendance sheet. Not present: City Attorney Jody Campbell (available by phone), Public Works Director Doyle Samples, and Mainstreet News (emailed draft minutes to Mr. Mike Buffington on 4/2/2024).

CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Steve T. Nichols called the Council Meeting on April 1st, 2024, to order at 6:32 p.m.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Council member Josh Burkhalter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America flag.

APPROVAL OF APRIL 1st, 2024 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA: Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary motioned to approve the April 1st, 2024 Council Meeting Agenda. Councilman Josh Burkhalter seconded. There were no discussions; all were in favor. The agenda was approved.

APPROVAL OF MARCH 4th, 2024 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. Councilman Josh Burkhalter motioned to approve the Council Meeting Minutes for March 4th, 2024; Councilman Lamar Watkins seconded. There were no discussions. All were in favor. The minutes were approved.

MARCH 2024 FINANCIALS: Council member Josh Burkhalter motioned to approve the March 2024 Financial report; Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary seconded. Mayor Pro Temp Thomas Gary asked about the total net income (page 3) of $-34,358.50. City Clerk Irma Robles will ask Finance Director Glenda Cantrell the reason for this negative amount. There were no further discussions. All were in favor. The financials were approved.


2023 Budget Amendment: Councilman Mike Barfield motioned to approve the adoption of the 2023 Budget Amendment. Mayor Pro Temp Thomas Gary seconded this motion. There were no discussions. All were in favor. Motion Approved.

Purchase of four LED Solar Stop Signs: Councilman Josh Burkhalter moved to table this agenda item since he has found a cheaper quote ($700 per sign) elsewhere. He will bring this to the next work session.Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary seconded this motion and added that the city can wait on purchasing these signs since they will be put up when Sanford Dr is paved. There were no further discussions. All were in favor. The motion passed.




Rhonda O’Keeffe, Library Manager

March 2024:

Chair Yoga is happening the first Wednesday of every month.

Library Manager was invited by the ELA and Media Specialist to sign up High School Students for Library Cards. She processed physical cards for two classes.

Sherri Stephens was invited to Career Day at EJES. She talked to approximately 450 students about becoming a librarian. Nicholson Library held the first plant swap. It was a success. They plan on making it an annual event.

Upcoming April Events:

Bluey is coming to visit the library on Saturday, April 13th. It should be a large event.

The library received a donation of $1,000.00 from Toyota for our Summer Food Program. Sherri Stephens is currently requesting additional funding from other sources. The library has not heard back from them.

The Georgia Journey Exhibit will be on display at the library from April 15th to April 26th. This is a free display on twelve individuals whose lives intersected in Georgia but whose journeys took them across the world. It is about veterans, home front workers, holocaust survivors, and legacies of WWII. This display is from Kennesaw State University. They will set up and tear down the exhibit for us.

Ag Story Time (with Farm Bureau and JEMC) on Monday, April 15th at 10:30. Farm Bureau donates a free book to GA libraries every year. Jada Williams of Jackson County Farm Bureau is providing activities for the children. JEMC is a donor.

Jada Williams was able to secure the GA Mobile AG Classroom for the NIC Public Library for June 26. It will be delivered on June 25. It will be in the Benton Hall Parking lot for the day. Through games and activities children will learn about the life of a farmer.

For the adults, besides Chair Yoga we will also be providing a Stress Management Class on April 25th at 11 AM.

Sherri Stephens is still reading once a week to Candy Castle Daycare.

The quilters have been renamed “Quilting Hearts of Nicholson”. We wanted to simplify their name but keep their connection to Nicholson. The quilters made 701 plus quilts in January for donation. They work with a Veterans Organization, the local police and sheriff’s office and the Shriners to name just a few. They want people to know about this valuable resource and volunteer opportunity in our community.

The program the library is offering this week for spring break is Grady’s Reptiles. It will be on April 4th at 1:00 PM.

31 Passports this month.


Mayor Steve T. Nichols

-Mayor Nichols mentioned that the Quilters are expanding and eventually will need a bigger room. He wants to relocate them to a bigger area and maybe closer to city hall. Mayor Steve told the city council about the the Nicholson City Park incident on March 29th and March 30th. Some juveniles damaged the amphitheater stage and county restrooms. Police officers fund them, and they live on Church St.

-Mayor Nichols provided a Daisy Festival Update: 82 vendors have signed up for the 2024 Daisy Festival. The events committee sold 107 ads for the Daisy Program, currently worth $8,700.00. He appreciates all the time and effort put into this year’s program. Irma is having the proof meeting with Mainstreet Newspaper tomorrow at 11 a.m. The next Daisy Meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, April 2nd, at 6:30 p.m. Councilman Mike Barfield thanked Administrative Assistant Jennifer Vilchis since Irma couldn’t do this without her.

-April 8th – Mayor Nichols has Jefferson Mayor’s Luncheon at the Civic Center.

-April 11th – He will attend the Leadership Jackson meeting at 8:00 am to talk about Nicholson, the library, and what the city does for the community.

-On April 11th and 12th, Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary will attend the GMA Spring Conference in Young Harris, GA.

-Don’t forget Bluey at the Nicholson Library on April 13th from 11 am to 1 pm.

-The Nicholson Spring Clean-Up Day event is on Saturday, April 20th, and starts at 8:00 a.m. New signs have been ordered and will be placed in town soon. This day is also the County Spring Event at the AG Center.

-He told the city council that the ARPA Annual Report is coming soon, April 30th. Public Works Director Doyle Samples purchased four park benches from Global Industry, and the total amount for this purchase was close to what the city had in the ARPA bank account, so Finance Director Glenda Cantrell recommended using the leftover ARPA Funds to reimburse the GF for this expense. ARPA bank has been closed.

-The April Work Session will be held on April 25th, 2024, at 6:30 pm.

Mayor Nichols asked the city council to walk around the community center building and see the new gutters, which were installed last week.

-Public Works Director Doyle Samples rented a grinder and ground the concrete where the septic issue is. The city still needs to decide how to fix this.

ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Mike Barfield motioned to adjourn the April 1st, 2024, Council Meeting; Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary seconded, and all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m.-


*Next Work Session – Thursday, April 25th, 2024, at 6:30 pm.

*Next Council Meeting– Monday,May 6th, 2024,at 6:30 pm.

______________________________________________________________________________________Approved by City Clerk Irma Robles for website

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