Monday, May 6th, 2024
6:30 P.M. Community Center
Attending: Mayor Steve T. Nichols, Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary, Council Members Lamar Watkins, Mike Barfield, Josh Burkhalter, Library Manager Rhonda O., City Attorney Jody Campbell, and City Clerk Irma Robles. For public assistance, refer to the attendance sheet. Not present: Public Works Director Doyle Samples and Mainstreet News (draft minutes emailed to Mr. Mike Buffington on 5/8/2024).
CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Steve T. Nichols called the Council Meeting on May 6th, 2024, to order at 6:32 p.m.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America flag.
APPROVAL OF MAY 6TH, 2024 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA: The Council Meeting Agenda for May 6th, 2024, was approved without any discussions.
APPROVAL OF APRIL 1st, 2024 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. Councilman Josh Burkhalter motioned to approve the Council Meeting Minutes for April 1st, 2024; Councilman Mike Barfield seconded. There were no discussions. All were in favor. The minutes were approved.
- 2024 Scholarship Recipient: Councilman Lamar Watkins motioned to award the 2024 Scholarship to David Rivera and authorize Mayor Nichols to deliver the $2,000.00 check to Mr. Rivera next Wednesday night at the EJCHS Awards Ceremony. Councilman Josh Burkhalter seconded this motion. There were no discussions. All were in favor. Motion Approved.
- Quotes for Installation of 16 Cameras NVR and 10 Cameras at City Hall: Mayor Nichols asked the city council to keep in mind that this proposal does not include cameras for the daycare area. That will come soon in a separate estimate. Councilman Mike Barfield asked for the drawing of the camera’s locations, and Mayor Nichols will ask for this and send it to the city council once it becomes available. Councilman Josh Burkhalter asked what 16NVR is, and Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary replied that 16 NVR is the capacity channel. Councilman Mike Barfield wondered whether the city had more bids for this, and Mayor Nichols responded that this was the only one we had. City Attorney Jody Campbell cited the Purchasing Policy section two: “The City recognizes that many items will be “one of a kind,” or a vehicle that can only be found at one place. In such instances, approval of the purchase can be considered with only one bid”. Considering its compatible reasons (existing camera systems with Call Charlie Inc.), this will be considered a “one of a kind” purchase. Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary made a motion to approve the bid from Call Charlie for ten cameras at city hall for $5,875.00 and authorize the mayor to sign any paperwork related to this purchase. Councilman Lamar Watkins seconded. Councilman Mike Barfield opposed. 3 to 1. Motion carries.
- Quotes for Installation of 16 Cameras NVR and 10 Cameras at Park Rec (Community Center): Councilman Josh Burkhalter made a motion to approve Call Charlie’s bid for ten cameras at the Rec Center for $5,875.00 and authorize the mayor to sign any documents related to this proposal. Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary seconded. Councilman Mike Barfield opposed. 3 to 1. The motion carries.
- TSPLOST Draft Agreement: Mayor Nichols presented the Final TSPLOST Draft Agreement to the city council and reminded the council that the city needs to provide the county with TSPLOST Nicholson road categories by June. The city must also identify what projects will be included in EXHIBIT “A” of the IGA.Mayor Nichols passed along a warning and advised the city council not to speak in favor of or against the TSPLOST but only to provide facts. No motions were made about this agenda item.
OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Purchase of four LED Solar Stop Signs:
Considering staff recommendation, Mayor Nichols proposed purchasing two LED Solar Stop Signs and testing how they would work on one intersection (Lakeview Dr/Sanford Rd). Councilman Josh Burkhalter motioned to approve the purchase of two LED Solar Stop Signs from Global Industrial for $1009.00 each.Councilman Lamar Watkins seconded this motion. Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary asked if the poles were included in the estimate, and Mayor Nichols responded that those were not included. There were no further discussions. All were in favor. The motion was approved.
Rhonda O’Keeffe, Library Manager
Daycare: Sherri Stephens (Library Assistant) continues to read to the daycare every Monday morning. The library has special days planned with the daycare during the summer.
BLUEY: It was a huge success. The library had 260 people. In addition to Bluey, the library had crafts to make and some swag (stickers and coloring pages) to take home.
Eclipse: Nicholson Library gave away over 200 pairs of glasses.
The library continues alternating between a children’s craft and an adult craft/program every month. The library will stop during the Summer Reading Program and begin again in September 2024.
SRP: The Nicholson Library Summer Reading Program’s calendar is set up, and they have some different programs this year. Their biggest scoop is having the AG Mobile Classroom. It will be on June 26th, and it will be here all day. The first program is on June 4.
Passports: 20. DAISY FESTIVAL: Nicholson Library did well. Everyone had a good day.
Mayor Steve T. Nichols
-Mayor Nichols told the city council about a water leak at Nicholson Library. An emergency repair was done, and he approved a bid from Walter Barnett to fix sheetrock wall damages for $3,300.00 and $4,400.00 to repair the water leaks under the tile floor. City Clerk Irma Robles filed an insurance claim for property damages, and a check for $7,700.00 from the insurance should arrive by mail soon.
-Mayor Steve invited the city council to the EJCHS Award Ceremony next Wednesday, May 8th, at 6:30 p.m. He will deliver the 2024 Scholarship to David Rivera there.
-Last Saturday, during the Daisy Festival, the city rented Benton Hall to a group of people, and they notified that there was no water in the building. Mayor Nichols called a plumber on Sunday morning. The issue was fixed, but two 2 ½ inch back valves were ordered to keep them in stock in case this happens again.
-The Daisy Festival was a huge success this year, and he thanked city staff, volunteers, and everyone involved. It was an impressive operation.
-Councilman Lamar Watkins appreciated all those who helped with the festival since he couldn’t help this year due to surgery.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary motioned to adjourn the May 6th, 2024, Council Meeting; Councilman Josh Burkhalter seconded, and all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.-
*Next Work Session– Thursday, May 30th, 2024, at 6:30 pm.
*Next Council Meeting – Monday, June 3rd, 2024, at 6:30 pm.
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Mayor Steve Nichols Date
City Clerk Irma Robles