
Welcome to Candidates for City Mayor & Councilmember of the City of Nicholson!

August 2023

Dear Candidate:

Thank you for your interest in the City of Nicholson’s government.  The City of Nicholson is governed by a Mayor and four Council members who are elected by a City-wide popular vote.  City elections are nonpartisan (candidates do not run as members of a particular political party).  Elected officials serve for terms of four (4) years until their respective successors are elected and sworn in.

In order to qualify for the position of Mayor or Council Member, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be a one-year City of Nicholson resident as of the first Tuesday in November of the year for which you are qualifying.
  2. Must continue to reside in the City of Nicholson during their period of service.
  3. Must be registered and qualified to vote in the City of Nicholson municipal elections.
  4. Qualifying for Mayor or Councilmember “At Large”
  5. Must pay a qualifying fee of:

Mayor – $216 (3% of Mayors pay)

Council Member – $108 (3% of Council pay)

The Mayor and City Council determine policies, enact legislation and provide leadership in the community.  Mayor and Council meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Nicholson Community Center/Meeting Hall, 129 Lakeview Drive, Nicholson, GA.

The City of Nicholson welcomes you as a candidate for the 2023 Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

I serve as the Qualifying Officer for this election and will be the recipient of the required documents/information. The qualifying period will begin Monday, August 21st, and will end Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023. Qualifying will occur at Nicholson City Hall, 61 Benton Center Way, Nicholson, GA 30565. The designated hours for addressing these matters will be from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The State of Georgia Election Code and the City of Nicholson require certain Campaign Disclosure Forms registration with the City’s Office. Please familiarize yourself with the forms and procedures by going online to www.ethics.ga.gov. The following forms are required to be filed with the City’s Office:

  1. Notice of Candidacy and Affidavit – this needs to be completed and returned to City Hall within the Qualifying period along with the qualifying fee and Compensation Election Statement.
  2. PFD (Personal Finance Disclosure Reports) – A PFD must be submitted by incumbents to the City Clerk within 15 days of qualifying. Not required for candidate(s) until the following year after elected.
  3. Affidavit of A Candidate’s Intent NOT to exceed $2,500 In Contributions and/or Expenditures-must be submitted with the City Clerk after qualifying.
  4. DOI (Declaration of Intent to accept Campaign Contributions), which must be submitted to the City Clerk (will be filed with GGTCFC) prior to accepting contributions: All candidates must file the DOI regardless of whether any money will be raised or spent.
  5. CCDR (Campaign Contribution Disclosure Reports).  If an Affidavit of a Candidate’s Intent NOT to exceed $2,500. If Contributions and/or Expenditures have been completed and submitted, then a CCDR does not need to be completed unless and until the $2,500 threshold has been crossed.

**All newly elected Council Members are required by Georgia State Law to take the Newly Elected Officials Institute offered through the Georgia Municipal Association and the University of Georgia.

The City of Nicholson contracts with the Jackson County Elections Board to conduct our Municipal Elections. You can also contact the Jackson County Voters Registration Office for election information:

Jennifer Logan jelogan@jacksoncountygov.com

441 Gordon Street, Jefferson, GA 30549


Remember that all of your information will be made public once you qualify.

Best Wishes for a Successful Campaign.

Irma E. Robles

City Clerk

City of Nicholson

2023 Qualifying Package

_____________________________________________________________________________August 23rd, 2023

The following have qualified as candidates for the November 7, 2023, General Election as of August 23, 2023, at 3:00 pm


Steve Nichols

Jan Webster (Incumbent)

Council Member (2seats)

Dusty Durst

Lamar Watkins (Incumbent)

Mike Barfield (Incumbent)

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