Monday, November 4th, 2024
6:30 PM. Community Center
Attending: Mayor Steve T. Nichols, Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary, Council Members Lamar Watkins, Mike Barfield, Library Manager Rhonda O., City Attorney Jody Campbell, Finance Director Glenda Cantrell and City Clerk Irma Robles. For public assistance, refer to the attendance sheet. Not present: Council Member Josh Burkhalter, Planning Commission Chairman John Ring, Public Works Director Doyle Samples, and Mainstreet Newspaper (Draft minutes emailed to Mr. Mike Buffington on 11/5/2024).
CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Steve T. Nichols called the Council Meeting on November 4th, 2024, to order at 6:32 p.m.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Steve Nichols led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America flag.
APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 4th, 2024, COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA: The Council Meeting Agenda for November 4th, 2024, was approved, with Councilman Mike Barfield motioning for approval as presented and Councilman Lamar Watkins seconding. There were no discussions, and all were in favor. The agenda was approved.
APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 7th, 2024, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. Councilman Mike Barfield motioned to approve the Council Meeting Minutes for October 7th, 2024, as presented; Councilman Lamar Watkins seconded. There were no discussions. All were in favor. The minutes were approved.
Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary arrived at the meeting at 6:34 pm.
SEPTEMBER 2024 FINANCIALS: Councilman Mike Barfield motioned to approve the September 2024 Financials as presented. Councilman Lamar Watkins seconded this motion. There were no discussions. All were in favor. The financial report was approved.
- 2025 Proposed General Fund Budget – Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary motioned to approve the 2025 Proposed General Fund Budget as written. Councilman Mike Barfield seconded this motion. There were no comments or discussions. All were in favor. The budget was adopted.
- Commercial Lease Agreement – Diana Ross DBA The Ross Agency and Brandon Pipkin – City Attorney Jody Campbell emphasizes the following changes made to the agreement since the last work session: The actual business is going to be conducted, and the other one is that it has been incorporated, the landlord work – renovations to the building, making it very clear that the commencement date will be whenever the city substantially complete those repairs and the tenant acknowledges and recognizes the city is doing financial investment. Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary asked if tenants were aware of these changes, and Mayor Nichols replied that they were not, but they would be once this was approved and they could sign it. Councilman Mike Barfield asked what type of business they conduct, and City Attorney Jody Campbell replied that they sell insurance policies for mortgage companies. He also asked if they are renting the lower level of the Old Annex Building and Mayor Nichols confirmed this. Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary motioned to approve the Commercial Lease Agreement. Councilman Lamar Watkins seconded this motion. There were no further comments or discussions. All were in favor. The motion was approved.
- Regions Investment Account: Councilman Mike Barfield asked about the investment account balance since the last time he checked, he was aware that it had a balance of $500K. Finance Director Glenda Cantrell replied that the total was for both accounts. Councilman Mike Barfield asked for copies of both investment account reconciliations. The Finance Director will email a copy of these to the Mayor and Council this week.Councilman Mike Barfield motioned to close this CD account, place it back in the General Fund, and designate it into another money market account until the city finds other options and decides which investment account will be put in December. Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary asked if the city has a time limit to put the money back into another investment account, and Mayor Nichols replied that there is no limit. Still, the City Attorney added that it has been clearly stated that the funds will be designated and put into an investment account only. Councilman Lamar Watkins seconded this motion. There were no further comments or discussions. All were in favor. The motion was approved.
Rhonda O’Keeffe, Library Manager
The library had the following adult programs:
Chair Yoga
Adult Book Club
Medicare Education
Quilters every Tuesday morning
Children’s Programs:
Drop in Craft: Craft was a Pumpkin Man
Creepy Crawlies with Smithgall Woods State Park
-Both programs are held during Fall Break
-The annual Boo Fest with a magic show. The library had over 300 in attendance.
-EJ Fall Festival with PuRL (Sherri attended). They saw over 800 people.
The Library Manager had to reschedule the visit to SJES due to a technology problem with the Evergreen (PINES) system. It was rescheduled for Tuesday, November 5.
NOV 2024
Adult Programs:
Chair Yoga
Adult Book Club
Children’s Programs:
Drop-In Craft-Heirloom Corn
SJES visit Tuesday, Nov 5, and Monday, Nov 18
Nicholson Library is working on the Santa visit and Christmas tree lighting. They have also started working on Summer Reading 2025.
Mayor Steve T. Nichols
-SPLOST 6 FUNDS: Mayor Steve Nichols got the County’s approval to move SPLOST 6 Funds from one category to the Roads Category to compensate the 2024 Paving expenses.
-Mayor Nichols told the city council that the paving is done, and Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary commented that the roads look good. Mayor Nichols added that the stripping you see on the road is temporary.
-LED Stop Flashing Signs were put last Friday on Sanford Dr.
-Mayor Nichols is meeting with different architects this week to give us prices on the Old Annex Building remodel project.
-He invited everyone to the Veterans Day Celebration next Sunday, November 10th, 2024, at 3 p.m.
-Mayor Nichols talked about the City of Braselton’s lawsuit against the Mayor and City Council due to a zoning matter. He asked Jody to draft an ordinance that would cover the city officials. City Attorney Jody Cambell explained that there are differences between official and individual capacities as Mayor and City Council Members. Insurance only covers city officials in their official capacities. The solution is for the city to adopt an ordinance to indemnify city officials for any claims made to themselves. It must be adopted by ordinance, and the city has to have an insurance policy to back that up. Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Gary asked if the city has to check with GMA Insurance Policy, and the City Attorney replied that they can add this since all these are EON policies.
ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Mike Barfield motioned to adjourn the November 4th, 2024, Council Meeting. Council member Lamar Watkins seconded, and all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.-
*Next Work Session Thursday, November 21st, 2024, at 6:30 pm.
*Next Council Meeting – Monday, December 2nd, 2024, at 6:30 pm.
Approved by City Clerk Irma Robles